
Tag: Cloud

Building telco edge: Why multi-cloud will dominate

Developing edge-enabled services is complicated; there are key decisions to be made at each level of the value chain, starting with infrastructure. Leveraging results from a survey conducted by STL Partners with 150 CSPs, this report outlines why edge infrastructure will be multi-cloud and what telcos should do about it.

Telco A3: Skilling up for the long term

Over the next 10 years, advances in automation, analytics and AI (A3) are going to drastically change the way telcos manage their core businesses, how their businesses are organised, and the demands of their customers. We outline the core capabilities A3 capabilities telcos will need to remain competitive in their core business and to be effective ecosystem players over the next five to ten years.

Cloud gaming: What is the telco play?

This report explores how the cloud gaming market is likely to evolve and what this means for telcos. Beyond providing better connectivity through 5G and edge computing, there are several ways in which telcos can add value to the cloud gaming ecosystem.