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Analysis of the results of the first phase of our telecoms industry survey on purpose, leadership and culture shows the status of the industry and key drivers, and uncovers some important barriers to progress.
Understanding culture, leadership and purpose
STL Partners has surveyed 168 telco execs about leadership, culture and purpose in the telecoms industry.
This research is part of our overall programme to help understand and develop how telcos can optimise their performance and reinvigorate growth and innovation. Respondents were asked to think about the telco they knew best, and answer a series of questions relating to different drivers of success:
- Culture: Values and behaviours and the telco’s employees
- Leadership: The way in which leaders drive the organisation
- Purpose: The reason that the telco exists and operates
- Digital: The telco’s ‘digital’ goals, skills and capabilities
Respondents were a mix of senior executives from telecoms operators worldwide, across a variety of functions and geographies.
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Findings include:
- Half of respondents believe that it is harder to get things done in telecoms operators than elsewhere
- Leadership vision, alignment and delivery are seen to be a significant enabler to success by 43% of respondents
- There are mixed views of the impact of company culture on success: seen as a barrier by 57% and a significant enabler by 33%
- Some telcos are outperforming others. For example, Elisa’s culture is perceived as significantly more effective than others
- … and more.
We also explore correlation between answers to different questions to suggest four key actions to driving greater success.
Table of contents
- Executive Summary
- Introduction & methodology
- Analysis of results
- Full survey results
- Culture
- Leadership
- Purpose
- Digital
- Correlation analysis
- About STL Partners