
Tag: Forecast

Network edge data centre forecast: Building the base

Our latest iteration of the Network edge data centre forecast shows that deployments are gradually bringing this market to life, despite the first early exits happening in 2024. What impact will 5G SA, data regulation and AI have on development of the network edge landscape? 

Private networks market forecast 2024 – 2030

This report presents quantitative analysis of the global demand for private networks over a 7-year period. We explore the revenue trends across the value chain and provide insights into different deployment models and technologies across 14 verticals.

Edge computing market sizing forecast: Third release

Our report forecasts $462bn in global demand for edge computing services in 2030. We explore the global demand for on-prem, network, and regional edge represented by 20 use cases and 16 verticals. The forecast helps telcos and other edge providers to identify which areas of the market and the value chain are most suitable for them to capture.

Edge computing market sizing forecast: Second release

Our report forecasts $445bn in global demand for edge computing services in 2030. We explore the global demand for on-prem, network, and regional edge represented by 20 use cases and 16 verticals. The forecast helps telcos and other edge providers to identify which areas of the market and the value chain are most suitable for them to capture.

Forecasting capacity of network edge computing

There is much debate in the industry on the topic of telco edge computing, but little clarity for players within the telecoms industry and potential customers on how much capacity will be available. This report forecasts the capacity of network edge data centres from 2021-2025.

what is AI analytics and automation worth to telcos

A3 for telcos: Mapping the financial value

We consider the potential financial value of adding analytics, AI and automation (A3) into a telco’s processes. Our modelling assesses the value of A3 in more than 150 processes across core network operations, customer care channels, and sales and marketing.

Euro telcos: fiddling while the platform burns?

Most executives across the European telecoms industry accept that the current telco business model is in decline (the ‘burning platform’), but wholehearted action to create sustainable new models is not in place. We identify the key barriers and next steps to overcome them in this top-level analysis of findings from our recent EMEA Executive Brainstorm. (July 2012, Executive Briefing Service, Transformation Stream.)
UK Services Revenues: Actual and Forecast (index)

Cloud 2.0: don’t blow it, telcos

Enterprise cloud computing services need great connectivity to work, but there are opportunities for telcos to participate beyond the connectivity. What are the opportunities, how are telcos approaching them, and what are the key strategies? Includes forecasts for telcos’ shares of VPC, IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. (September 2011, Executive Briefing Service, Cloud & Enterprise ICT Stream)
Apps & Telco APIs Figure 1 Drivers of the App Market Telco 2.0 Sept 2011