NTNs and telcos: Is it fight or flight?
Telcos should collaborate with NTNs to turn potential foes into friends – and take flight together.
Telcos should collaborate with NTNs to turn potential foes into friends – and take flight together.
Why did AT&T buy, and then sell, DirecTV and Time Warner after only six years? This report looks at AT&T’s decisions, actions and their consequences, and the lessons for others attempting adjacent market moves and M&A.
The 4-yearly ITU World Radio Congress (WRC’19) which sets world policy on radio spectrum, most critically 5G this time, has just ended. What agreements were reached, and what do they mean for traditional telcos, new telcos, telco-sector vendors and regulators?
A second wave of investment is pouring into African telecomms, always a hive of innovation. Can it make a return amidst the turbulent market environment? An analysis of some of the major players, projects, and lessons therein. (July 2009)