
Tag: Apps

Super apps: An attractive, yet elusive opportunity

Many have tried to capture the elusive opportunities in the super apps domain, but very few are succeeding. This playbook examines the different approaches to super apps and offers valuable recommendations to telcos that aim to pursue opportunities in this area.

Telco apps assessed

Telco apps: What works?

Mobile apps are at the heart of the modern digital economy. Although many telco-owned apps have struggled, some have broken the mould, achieving high levels of adoption and usage. How did they do it?

Telco 2.0: The $50bn Enterprise Mobility Opportunity: four steps for telcos to take today

Telco 2.0: The $50bn Enterprise Mobility Opportunity: four steps for telcos to take today

Enterprises are turning to mobility to transform their operations, creating a c.$50bn ‘Enterprise Mobility’ opportunity globally. There are four levels of engagement that telcos can adopt to start to capture a share of this market, and upgrade and repurpose their internal capabilities to deliver repeatable, high volume, customer-facing growth initiatives. They need tools, technologies and partnerships to provide the deep industry knowledge and mobile workforce expertise. This will allow them to take a defined proposition to market and evolve from being “just another channel” to originators and owners of intellectual property. (December 2013, Foundation 2.0, Executive Briefing Service, Cloud and Enterprise ICT Stream).

Enterprise Mobility Framework December 2013

Telco Opportunities in the ‘New Mobile Web’?

Telco Opportunities in the ‘New Mobile Web’?

The transformed mobile web experience, brought about by the adoption of a range of new technologies, is creating a new arena for operators seeking to (re)build their role in the digital marketplace. Operators are potentially well-placed to succeed in this space; they have the requisite assets and capabilities and the desire to grow their digital businesses. This report examines the findings of interviews and a survey conducted amongst key industry players, supplemented by STL Partners’ research and analysis, with the objective of determining the opportunities for operators in the New Mobile Web and the strategies they can implement in order to succeed. (September 2013, Foundation 2.0, Executive Briefing Service.)
Operator Opportunities in the “New Mobile Web”

HTML5: market impact and telco strategies

HTML5 will have a profound impact on consumers’ and businesses’ interaction with the web in coming years. In particular, HTML5-compliant smartphones may lead to a reduction in the power of closed app platforms such as Apple iOS and Google Android. While this seems broadly positive for telcos, there may also be negative side-effects of the increasing capability of standardised (and often free) Internet capabilities.

Dealing with the ‘Disruptors’: Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft/Skype and Amazon (Updated Extract)

An extract from our 284 page, 124 chart, strategy report that analyses the business models, markets, objectives, strategies and modus operandi of the major adjacent players, and their current and future impact on the telecoms industry. The report identifies the areas and options for competition and co-operation, and outlines potential strategies for interacting with each player. It also draws the combined activities of the digital empires – telcos, so called ‘OTT players’ and others – into the context of the new ‘Great Game’, the battle for power and value in the emerging digital economy. (Page updated February 2012, report published November 2011, Dealing with Disruption stream) Google Apple Facebook Microsoft Skype Amazon Telco 2.0 Disruptor Report Cover

Mobile Advertising and Marketing: Operator and Market Growth Strategies 2010

Mobile Advertising and Marketing: Operator and Market Growth Strategies 2010

From SMS, through Smartphone and browser Apps, the potential of mobile marketing has long been understood and yet unfulfilled. This new report gives our forecasts, plus how Telcos can make the most of the powerful assets available to them to take a valuable role in this market before it is too late. Report extract included here. (April 2010, Executive Briefing Service, Dealing with Disruption Stream).