
Tag: NaaS

Why is now the time to rethink edge orchestration?

Telcos are investing in edge to grow revenues and monetise their networks. Edge orchestration will be a key tool for these telcos to manage their infrastructure easily and cost-effectively, whilst ensuring that they can meet the strict performance requirements of dynamic edge applications.

Edge computing: Five viable telco business models

Edge computing: Five viable telco business models

With Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), telcos can move workloads and applications closer to customers, potentially enhancing experiences and enabling a plethora of new use cases. But with competition looming from other players, telcos need to start commercialising MEC. We have identified and modelled five viable telco business models.

Network slicing: The greatest thing since sliced bread?

Network Slicing is a way to run multiple networks on one infrastructure. In theory, it could mean that telcos could run mobile broadband and IoT networks over the same physical network, and also offer greater agility within those networks. We explore the theory and its challenges, examine use cases, what would be needed to make it happen, and look at five business case scenarios.

Cloud 2.0: Telco Strategies in the Cloud

Telco 2.0 presents a new strategy report examining the evolution of cloud services; the current opportunities for vendors and Telcos in the Cloud market, plus a penetrating analysis on the positioning Telcos need to adapt in order to take advantage of the potential $200Bn global Cloud services market. This report offers over 140 pages of insightful commentary from those who’ve been working at the cutting edge, and includes an introduction to the sector’s key technologies and emerging trends, as well as detailed recommendations for Telcos and vendors. (December 2012, Strategy Report, Cloud and Enterprise ICT Stream.)
Cloud Strategy Report Image