Lessons from telco transformations – Five case studies
Case studies of telcos adopting infraco, servco, or telecom techco models, how they achieved this, and what lessons can be learnt.
Case studies of telcos adopting infraco, servco, or telecom techco models, how they achieved this, and what lessons can be learnt.
The quality of experience delivered by operators’ mobile data networks is a key indicator of their current performance, and a foundation of their future prospects in digital. Our MobiNEX ranking, updated this week for H1 2016, shows how 80 operators in 25 countries compare. How does your telco stack up?
For the first time, STL Partners quantifies the customer ‘app experience’ on twenty-seven mobile networks in seven countries. MobiNEX – The Mobile Network Experience Index – benchmarks mobile operators’ network speed and reliability by measuring download speed; average latency; error rate and latency consistency. It’s based on billions of real customer data points provided by our partners Apteligent. Congratulations to the top three performers – Bouygues, Free and Orange (all in France).