
Tag: Cloud Computing

Converging edge, IoT and AI: A strategic guide to success in a growing market

The market for edge IoT presents a significant opportunity for technology solution providers but has yet to reach its full potential. In this report, we present the results from a four-part research series conducted in partnership with Volt Active Data, focusing on how to capture this value. This report addresses critical aspects such as the technical challenges, ecosystem dynamics and ultimately, the pathway to monetisation for edge IoT solutions.

Cloud gaming: What is the telco play?

This report explores how the cloud gaming market is likely to evolve and what this means for telcos. Beyond providing better connectivity through 5G and edge computing, there are several ways in which telcos can add value to the cloud gaming ecosystem.

Ballet boxers

Telcos and GAFA: Dancing with the disruptors

Telcos and the major Internet platforms increasingly rely on each other. What kinds of agreements should operators enter into with Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google and what should they avoid? And what are the strategic implications of supporting players who habitually use their powerful brands and software expertise to disrupt entire industries?