
Tag: AWS

VNFs on public cloud: Opportunity, not threat

More telcos are making deals to run their VNFs on the public cloud. Not much is live yet. But cloud hosting of network functions will support telcos in realising the benefits of cloud-native, and we believe telcos can safely go further and faster.

Telco plays in live entertainment

Live entertainment is evolving fast, as greater connectivity and digitisation allows for new experiences for both the audience at the venue and the people watching online. How can telcos play a more valuable role?

Edge computing: Five viable telco business models

Edge computing: Five viable telco business models

With Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), telcos can move workloads and applications closer to customers, potentially enhancing experiences and enabling a plethora of new use cases. But with competition looming from other players, telcos need to start commercialising MEC. We have identified and modelled five viable telco business models.

Telstra: Battling Disruption and Growing Enterprise Cloud & ICT

When Amazon Web Services (AWS) landed in Australia in 2012, everyone expected carnage for Australian carriers. Telstra’s Network Applications & Services division, though, is growing fast and making some interesting moves. How did Telstra do it, and what else can be learned from its successes and its latest moves into the Healthcare market?

Dealing with the ‘Disruptors’: Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft/Skype and Amazon (Updated Extract)

An extract from our 284 page, 124 chart, strategy report that analyses the business models, markets, objectives, strategies and modus operandi of the major adjacent players, and their current and future impact on the telecoms industry. The report identifies the areas and options for competition and co-operation, and outlines potential strategies for interacting with each player. It also draws the combined activities of the digital empires – telcos, so called ‘OTT players’ and others – into the context of the new ‘Great Game’, the battle for power and value in the emerging digital economy. (Page updated February 2012, report published November 2011, Dealing with Disruption stream) Google Apple Facebook Microsoft Skype Amazon Telco 2.0 Disruptor Report Cover