Telcos and GAFA: Dancing with the disruptors
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Telcos and the major Internet platforms increasingly rely on each other. What kinds of agreements should operators enter into with Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google and what should they avoid? And what are the strategic implications of supporting players who habitually use their powerful brands and software expertise to disrupt entire industries?
Format: PDF file
Pages: 49 pages Charts: 22 Author: David Pringle Publication Date: November 2017Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Strategic considerations
- Delivering bigger, better entertainment
- Improving customer experience
- Extending and enhancing connectivity
- Developing the networks of the future
- Delivering cloud computing to enterprises
- Introduction
- Telcos and lnternet giants need each other
- Delivering bigger, better entertainment
- Content delivery networks
- Bundling content and connectivity
- Zero-rating content
- Carrier billing
- Content promotion
- Apple and EE in harmony
- Value exchange and takeaways
- Improving the customer experience
- Making mobile data stretch further
- Off-peak downloads, offline viewing
- Data plan awareness for apps
- Fine-grained control for consumers
- Value exchange and takeaways
- Extending and enhancing connectivity
- Subsea cable consortiums
- Free public Wi-Fi services
- MVNO Project Fi – branded by Google, enabled by telcos
- Value exchange and takeaways
- Developing the networks of the future
- Software-defined networks: Google and the CORD project
- Opening up network hardware: Facebook’s Telecom Infra Project
- Value exchange and takeaways
- Delivering cloud computing to enterprises
- Reselling cloud-based apps
- Secure cloud computing – AWS and AT&T join forces
- Value exchange and takeaways
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Google is top of mind
- Whose brand benefits?
Companies: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google
Keywords: AWS, bundling, carrier billing, Cloud Computing, connectivity, content, Content Delivery Networks, customer experience, enterprise, partnerships, SDN, Strategy, Wi-Fi, Zero-Rating