Edge computing research

Edge computing is new, but it’s growing quickly – in terms of hype, telco edge deployments and real customer applications. Our latest research reports seek to answer the key questions in the MEC and edge space.

September 2020

The future of assurance: How to deliver quality of service at the edge

Assuring networks, services and devices in the world of 5G, edge and IoT demands new capabilities in automation, AI and analytics (A3) at the edge of networks. This report sets out a roadmap for telco decision making around assurance tool creation, deployment and possible monetisation.

August 2020

Telco edge computing: How to partner with hyperscalers

Both telcos and hyperscalers want to capture the value at the edge, but they need to work together to deliver of edge computing solutions and generate demand among customers. How can operators collaborate with hyperscalers while strengthening their role beyond connectivity?

August 2020

Building telco edge infrastructure: MEC, Private LTE & VRAN

Edge infrastructure deployment is happening – but how big will it really be, and where will it happen? We quantify the five-year outlook for edge deployments across four key domains.

May 2020

Telco edge computing: What’s the operator strategy?

Edge computing is a strategic opportunity for telcos. We examine the driving needs and applications for telco edge computing, describe the market and the options for telcos, discuss their partnerships with hyperscalers and recommend key actions.

November 2019

Cloud gaming: What’s the telco play?

This report explores how the cloud gaming market is likely to evolve and what this means for telcos. Beyond providing better connectivity through 5G and edge computing, there are several ways in which telcos can add value to the cloud gaming ecosystem.

October 2019

What edge developers want from telcos now

The use of edge computing is accelerating rapidly in applications such as live streaming, drone management, and AR/VR. Developers, the key catalyst of growth, need infrastructure fast and certainty on pricing. Through seven case studies we outline why developers want from edge computing, and how telcos can support them.

April 2019

Telcos and enterprise verticals: 5G is not the only opportunity

Telcos are looking towards the enterprise market to make the business case for 5G. But for most industries, 5G is just one of many technologies needed to drive efficiency and innovation. Which verticals’ needs best match telcos’ capabilities?

November 2019

Cloud gaming: New opportunities for telcos?

How telcos should be preparing for the seismic shift in the video games market signposted by Google’s new Stadia cloud gaming service.

August 2018

Telco edge computing: Turning vision into practice

Telcos are well-placed to take advantage of the edge computing opportunity. In this report, we dive into the questions and challenges they face and how they can overcome these to succeed.

November 2017

Edge computing: Five viable telco business models

With Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), telcos can move workloads and applications closer to customers, potentially enhancing experiences and enabling a plethora of new use cases. But with competition looming from other players, telcos need to start commercialising MEC. We have identified and modelled five viable telco business models.

July 2017

Mobile/Multi-Access Edge Computing: How can telcos monetise this cloud?

MEC (Mobile / Multi-Access Edge Computing) puts compute resources at the edge of telco networks. These servers can be used for distributing internal network functions – typically linked with NFV deployments – or made available to third-party developers as part of an “edge cloud” service offering. What are the realistic use cases, and can telcos monetise them?