Can telcos square the sustainability circle for consumers?
How telcos can help consumers live more sustainably without compromising their business objectives.
How telcos can help consumers live more sustainably without compromising their business objectives.
To achieve their net-zero targets, telcos must be proactive in finding mechanisms to embed sustainability in their decision-making. Singtel shows how this can be done through three initiatives focused on scenario planning, carbon accounting and disclosures.
Networks consume more than 75% of all the electricity a typical service provider uses in one year. We explore five game changing strategies that can be implemented today to help build greener networks.
Telcos are increasingly engaging with sustainability as it becomes an expectation from customers, shareholders and employees. What can others learn from Telefónica’s experiences?
Based on discussions with 40 service providers (SPs) this report explores the challenges, priorities, strategies and best practices they identified around reducing carbon emissions.