
Tag: AT&T

Network edge data centre forecast: Building the base

Our latest iteration of the Network edge data centre forecast shows that deployments are gradually bringing this market to life, despite the first early exits happening in 2024. What impact will 5G SA, data regulation and AI have on development of the network edge landscape? 

AWS, Azure and Google Cloud: Who’s got the edge?

This report analyses the edge computing strategies of the ‘big three’ cloud providers – Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. We assess how successful they have been at developing solutions across the edge continuum, including on-premise, network and regional edge, and determine who leads this nascent market.

Future Skills Tracker report

Telcos need new skills to change their organisations to compete like technology companies. Insights from our Future skills tracker tool show that telcos are behind techcos in the penetration of key skillsets and provides direction on the capabilities required to become more innovative, agile and software-driven overall.

Managed services: Telcos must adapt to the cloud

The capabilities that underpin telcos’ managed services offer to enterprise customers have shifted to the cloud. If telcos are to stay relevant as providers of managed services, they must understand the changing needs of enterprise customers, including how to partner, go to market and design SLAs.

Multivendor telco cloud: Mapping the pathway to success

As operators embark on their telco cloud journeys, what should they look out for and what lessons can they learn from others? This report analyses the strategies and progress of four operators leading the way in telco cloud transformation and sheds light on the lessons learned from their initial deployments.