
Tag: AI

Converging edge, IoT and AI: A strategic guide to success in a growing market

The market for edge IoT presents a significant opportunity for technology solution providers but has yet to reach its full potential. In this report, we present the results from a four-part research series conducted in partnership with Volt Active Data, focusing on how to capture this value. This report addresses critical aspects such as the technical challenges, ecosystem dynamics and ultimately, the pathway to monetisation for edge IoT solutions.

Transforming telcos’ role through managed cloud services

To move from pipe to platform, telcos must take on a new role as a strategic enabler of their customers’ transformation. Drawing on a recent survey of 1,214 enterprises, this report explores how telcos can effectively evolve by offering managed cloud services to unlock longer-term B2B growth opportunities.

Telecoms 2030 Part 3: Pathways to servco, infraco and techco

To avoid becoming pure utilities, telcos must evolve their core businesses into more efficient and flexible infracos. But if they also want to accelerate growth and capture the full value of their network investments, they should strive towards building services businesses and becoming telecom techcos. We explore different pathways leading operators are taking to get there.

Future Skills Tracker report

Telcos need new skills to change their organisations to compete like technology companies. Insights from our Future skills tracker tool show that telcos are behind techcos in the penetration of key skillsets and provides direction on the capabilities required to become more innovative, agile and software-driven overall.