Edge Computing Insights Service

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Telco edge manifesto

Since 2015 STL Partners has helped telecoms operators to develop their edge computing strategies. We summarise our learnings from those engagements as a manifesto for how the industry can address the edge computing opportunity.

Why is now the time to rethink edge orchestration?

Telcos are investing in edge to grow revenues and monetise their networks. Edge orchestration will be a key tool for these telcos to manage their infrastructure easily and cost-effectively, whilst ensuring that they can meet the strict performance requirements of dynamic edge applications.

Edge computing market sizing forecast: Second release

Our report forecasts $445bn in global demand for edge computing services in 2030. We explore the global demand for on-prem, network, and regional edge represented by 20 use cases and 16 verticals. The forecast helps telcos and other edge providers to identify which areas of the market and the value chain are most suitable for them to capture.

Network edge capacity forecast: The role of hyperscalers

Telecoms operators are still grappling with how they should work with hyperscalers; the network edge is a key battleground. This report is an update of our network edge capacity forecasts and incorporates survey data from over 190 respondents to evaluate the market’s views on telcos.