Webinar: The sustainable telco network dilemma: Matching net-zero goals with exploding customer demand


Connectivity providers face a rising demand for data, driven by evolving societal and technological trends. Consumers aim to harmonize work, family, health, and lifestyle goals, while organizations strive to enable remote work, boost productivity, attract talent, and reduce environmental impact. The boom in consumer and enterprise AI applications further complicates matters. Amidst these shifts, uncertainty looms over whether networks can sustain the impending surge in data demand.

In recent years, connectivity providers have invested significantly in their networks and data centres to accommodate data demand growth fuelled primarily by the expansion of enterprise IT and consumer media applications. However, future growth is expected to be exponential and will unfold in an unpredictable way. Adaptation is essential; hence network architectures and platforms must match this demand, all whilst minimising carbon emissions.

To address these challenges, the STL team are joined by a panel of experts across the networking ecosystem to answer the following questions:

– What are the drivers of rapidly changing consumer and enterprise demand for connectivity and how can the ecosystem anticipate those changes?
– How can connectivity providers visualise the ‘network of the future’ that can accommodate customer needs without compromising on sustainability?
– How can connectivity providers refine the way they invest in and design networks and operating models to capitalise on the rapidly expanding demand for data?