Webinar: The road to cloud-native disaggregation: Do’s and don’ts from lessons learned

The concept of cloud-native networking and moving to a disaggregated network architecture is something that operators have widely talked about but are still in the relatively early stages of pursuing, to varying levels of success. Although the “why cloud-native disaggregation” is much more broadly understood across the organisation, the practical steps that lead to success aren’t as clear.

Drawing on insights from a primary research programme with telco operators globally, we explore:

  • What do the pathways look like for different types of operators in pursuing cloud-native disaggregation?
  • For those further ahead, what common factors and steps have telcos taken that enabled them to successfully drive this within the organisation?
  • What are types of barriers and pitfalls that telecoms operators have encountered?
  • How can/have telcos overcome these and what can others learn?