Webinar: Pathways to Net Zero: Building sustainable metro networks

Telecoms operators face an immense challenge in their journey to net zero. The growth in network traffic is showing no signs of slowing down and is forecasted to increase 20% to 40% annually. Furthermore, the shifting landscape of consumption patterns has given rise to a surge of traffic originating and terminating within the metro network. STL Partners estimates a staggering threefold increase in metro network traffic by 2030.

Against the backdrop of this exponential growth, the need to curtail emissions and to make the network sustainable becomes paramount. These challenges are not dissimilar to those faced by cloud providers; however, operators are currently trailing behind. To effectively navigate this maze of massive growth in scale and fulfil their ambitious sustainability commitments, operators must embrace the examples set by both cloud providers and leading operators.

In this webinar, we will discuss:

– How should operators better incorporate energy and sustainability goals into their metro networks?
– What are the best practices that operators should incorporate in their networks?
– What are the insights and key learnings from leading operators and cloud providers?

You’ll need to submit your name and email to access the webinar