Lessons from telco transformations – Five case studies
Case studies of telcos adopting infraco, servco, or telecom techco models, how they achieved this, and what lessons can be learnt.
Case studies of telcos adopting infraco, servco, or telecom techco models, how they achieved this, and what lessons can be learnt.
True E2E automation has not yet been achieved, but network automation is a reality now, and one which telcos must master to survive. What steps are telcos taking to implement network automation, what challenges must be overcome and what benefits can be expected?
Telcos must adapt to virtualisation and changing customer needs in the Coordination Age. Our three new telecoms business models offer a realistic agenda for telcos to build up the stack into the IT layer – either by themselves or through partnerships.
The activities of today’s youth will cascade across the generations. Service providers need to be ready for the customer of the future