Super apps – An attractive, yet elusive opportunity

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Many have tried to capture the elusive opportunities in the super apps domain, but only very few are succeeding. This playbook examines the different approaches to super apps and offers valuable recommendations to telcos that aim to pursue opportunities in this area.


Format: PDF filePages: 39Author: David PringlePublication date: October 2024

As the core connectivity market remains stagnant, telcos are increasingly looking for new digital consumer services to expand their offerings and generate new revenue streams. This playbook considers how mobile operators can increase customer intimacy and bring in new revenue from super apps.

Super apps are attractive to telcos and web hyperscalers which want to create a large user base that engages in frequent interactions with the app. However, this goal is quite elusive and only a few have managed to achieve it: Tencent with WeChat is the best example of success that no one else has managed to replicate to date. However, a number of telecom operators, especially in the emerging markets, have accomplished significant results.

This playbook provides an overview of the super apps space. We discuss the different approaches to super apps and why some are more successful than others. We outline recommendations to telcos in both emerging and advanced markets.


Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Market introduction
  • Case studies: telcos’ super apps
  • Case studies: global apps that could become super apps
  • Conclusions and recommendations


Technologies and industry terms referenced include: alibaba, Alipay, App Store, apple, Apps, ayoba, consumer apps, digital services, E-Commerce, EE, entertainment, google, M-PESA, Max it, Messaging, mobile payments, MTN, MTN Mobile Money, Orange, Orange Bank Africa, Safaricom, super apps, Telco, tencent, transport, Uber, Vodacom, VodaPay, Wechat, WhatsApp