Target identification case study

Identifying targets to support a tier-1 telco operator in APAC in pursuing 5G partnerships

Case study overview

STL Partners engages with clients to recognise prospective partners and facilitate fruitful conversations where there is opportunity. We help clients to evaluate, contract, qualify, and conduct discussions with new companies where there are synergies for collaboration. 

Below we outline how STL supported a Tier-1 operator in APAC to support 5G innovation: 

  • Identify the appropriate technology players/divisions and map to opportunity domains  
  • Prioritising and engaging candidates 
  • Facilitating discussions and devising clear next steps

Digital infrastructure: M&A opportunities Insights Pack

  • 4 key areas driving digital infrastructure demand
  • 9 TMT sectors dominating deal activity
  • 5 potential opportunities for investors to look out

Identify players and map opportunity domains  

STL Partners conceptualised and prioritised partners based on key criteria developed with the client. The targeted partners were ‘unusual suspects’ comprising of up-and-coming tech firms that the client had not previously spoken to. The process followed the below steps: 

  • Review and clarify 4-5 domains defined by the client (e.g. AR/VR, Network optimised products, clean-tech etc.)  
  • Build a long-list of 60 potential partners

Example deliverables

Example deliverables

Prioritising and engaging candidates 

STL Partners developed 20 detailed partner profiles for prioritised candidates with attributes for scoring. 

This was followed by conducting a prioritisation workshop to identify the top 10 candidates for taking to the next stage. Without revealing the identity of the client, STL selected both companies and individuals to engage with. These partners were briefed by STL on the scope, perspective, and expectation of the opportunity with the client before confirming their participation.  

Facilitating discussions and devising clear next steps  

STL facilitated discussions with 5-8 of these companies. STL also devised clear next steps, including supporting the development of a potential collaboration roadmap.