Full Article: Google vs Telcos, Tale of the Tape
Telecoms Operators have some great advantages Vs Google in the delivery of new services but only if they recognise and act on their strengths. (March 2008)
Telecoms Operators have some great advantages Vs Google in the delivery of new services but only if they recognise and act on their strengths. (March 2008)
The traditional business models for fixed and mobile operators are under pressure in all core products – voice, messaging, broadband access – particularly in mature markets.
A new business model is described here: one where operators make money from new types of customers rather than exclusively from end-users – and the business opportunity is potentially very large – c$125Bn. This additional, incremental revenue to the $250Bn described in the Future Broadband Business Models Report. This report is designed to help readers understand the nature and size of this new business model opportunity in its entirety. (March 2008)
The impact of the launch of BBC’s online video service “iPlayer” on the UK DSL industry based on live network data. (Feb 2008)
What are the business model impacts of Verizon Wireless moving to a “less closed” network attachment model? (November 2007)
Summary: A report identifying how to build a valuable new business model and customer base. (November 2007)
An edited version of a keynote presentation of results of our Broadband Business Models survey into the industry’s future (November 2007, Executive Briefing Service, Future of the Networks Stream).