
Why B2B marketplace sits at the heart of a thriving ecosystem

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As telcos attempt to capture the B2B revenue opportunity, marketplace is rapidly becoming an industry buzzword. We explore the characteristics of a marketplace and the industries in which telcos have a genuine right-to-play


Format: PDF filePages: 28 pagesCharts: 8Author: Tim Otto and Darius SinghPublication Date: July 2022

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • B2B Marketplaces: A key enabler for new growth
    • What is a B2B marketplace?
  • Marketplaces as a B2B growth driver
  • The dimensions of a successful B2B marketplace in healthcare
    • Due to the need for solution certification, a healthcare marketplace will remain more closed and centrally controlled
    • The healthcare marketplace will encourage participants to collaborate while excluding competitors…at first
    • Telcos should create value in the marketplace by driving biodiversity
    • Telcos have the capacity to collect valuable customer data insights but must first develop their capabilities
  • The guiding principles for building a marketplace: Where telcos should start
  • Index

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1: Key actors in a marketplace
  • Figure 2: The Amazon flywheel for marketplace success
  • Figure 3: Factors impacting telco right-to-play
  • Figure 4: Amazon used its supply side pricing strategy to out compete Ebay
  • Figure 5: The flywheel for B2B marketplaces
  • Figure 6: The telco’s role in the marketplace is impacted by its scale and objectives in the enterprise space
  • Figure 7: The dimensions of a marketplace approach
  • Figure 8: The six guiding principles for building a marketplace

Keywords: bias, corporate strategy, decision-making, distribution, Explicit knowledge, external information sources, external insights, forecasting, Implicit knowledge, independent, insight acquisition, insight management, insight management platform, insight methodologies, Insight networking, insight provider, insight services, insight-driven, Knowledge, learning, Networking of insight, portal, research management, ROI, SECI model, strategic capability, Strategic research, Strategy alignment, Tactical research