Telecoms 2023: Meaningful growth in challenging times

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How telecoms can adapt and offer customers and other stakeholders an attractive way forward in markets facing inflation, and geopolitical and environmental challenges.


Format: PDF filePages: 45 pagesCharts: 14Author: STL Partners Research TeamPublication Date: October 2022

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • The key pillars to change and growth
  • Transformation: How to adapt faster and better, collectively
    • Why does transformation matter?
    • Why is transformation difficult for telcos?
    • How telcos can operationalise adaptability
    • What must telcos do to capitalise on the adaptive opportunity?
  • Consumer: (Re)engaging through new needs
    • Why does the consumer business matter?
    • What challenges are telcos facing in the consumer market?
    • A three-pronged approach to winning with consumers
  • Enterprise: Becoming a transformative partner
    • Why does enterprise matter?
    • What challenges is the industry facing in enterprise?
    • What are the potential opportunities?
    • What must telcos do to capture the opportunities?
  • Edge computing: Getting compute to where the customer needs it
    • Why does edge computing matter?
    • The key challenges and opportunities the in edge market
    • So where to invest?
    • What must telcos (and others) do to capture the opportunities?
  • Networks: Developing and delivering the best tool for the job
    • The key challenge: Moving to a world of “network diversity”
    • It’s not about 5G, but the best tool for the job
    • What are the potential opportunities?
  • Telco cloud: Making the fabric customer-adaptable
    • Why does telco cloud matter?
    • What challenges is the industry facing in telco cloud?
    • What must telcos (and others) do to capture the opportunities?
  • Sustainability: Making it relevant for everyone
    • Why does sustainability matter?
    • What challenges is the industry facing in sustainability?
    • What are the potential opportunities?
    • How to move the industry forward on sustainability
  • Conclusion

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1: The Coordination Age thrives on innovation
  • Figure 2: Accelerating changes means the Coordination is now a “must have
  • Figure 3: Technology change + organisational change = Adaptability for growth
  • Figure 4: Towards a “techco” operating model
  • Figure 5: Postpaid ARPU growth/decline June 2017 compared to June 2022
  • Figure 6: Consumer pillars of growth
  • Figure 6: Operators should aim to play a mix of roles across multiple ecosystems
  • Figure 7: There are many emerging opportunities for telcos in enterprise
  • Figure 8: Challenges and opportunities for edge computing
  • Figure 9: Total investment on edge computing 2020 – August 2022
  • Figure 10: Summary of new telcos’ threats to traditional telcos
  • Figure 11: Telco cloud deployment pathways
  • Figure 13: How operators can integrate sustainability as a priority across the business
  • Figure 14: Four tiers of sustainability enablement services


Technologies and industry terms referenced include: 5G, AI, automation, Business Model, Cloud, consumer, connectivity, customer, data, Disruption, edge computing, enterprise, Innovation, infrastructure, Strategy, sustainability, Telco, Telecoms, technology, transformation