Telco edge computing: Turning vision into practice

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Telcos are well-placed to take advantage of the edge computing opportunity. In this report, we dive into the questions and challenges they face and how they can overcome these to succeed.


Format: PDF filePages: 20 pagesCharts: 04Author: Philip LaidlerPublication Date: August 2018

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • The emerging opportunity for edge compute
  • Key questions arising for telcos
  • Telcos’ edge cloud opportunity covers mobile, enterprise, IoT “edges”
  • Telcos’ key challenges to succeed in edge cloud
  • Recommendations and next steps

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1: Other players have been pushing towards the edge – what is telcos’ role?
  • Figure 2: Telco types and their perception of the edge cloud opportunity
  • Figure 3: The business case for edge cloud has four sets of drivers
  • Figure 4: Key strategic principles for an edge cloud platform

Technologies and industry terms referenced include: Business Model, distributed cloud, edge computing, enterprise edge, Hybrid Cloud, Innovation, Interoperability, IoT edge, latency, MEC, multi-cloud, Platform, uCPE, vCPE