Prioritising automation: Creating a successful building block strategy
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Adopting automation, AI and data analytics is a key pillar of telco strategies. This report aggregates the surveyed opinions of more than 100 telecoms execs and provides recommendations on the practical roadmap for achieving this.
Format: PDF file
Pages: 22 pages Charts: 13 Author: Michelle Lo Publication Date: March 2021Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Automation: How to get there faster
- Achieving automation: The building block strategy
- Automation, AI and data analytics are driving telco strategy
- Network and service operations: The current state of automation
- Not all automation journeys are the same: Ambitions, region and maturity all impact adoption
- Defining, evaluating, prioritising: Creating a successful building block strategy
- Step one: Defining automation domains
- Step two: Evaluating the importance of domains
- Step three: Prioritising automation domains
- Making automation bitesize: How to innovate
- Changing people, processes and culture
- Building trust in automated systems
- Automation chaining and managing domain interfaces
- Recommendations for the industry
- Appendix: Breakdown of telecoms survey respondents
Table of Figures
- Figure 1: Key automation use cases in network and service operations
- Figure 2: Automating network and service operations will deliver the largest financial impact for a telecoms operator
- Figure 3: Most progress so far has been made in “intra-process automation”
- Figure 4: Some flagship automation use cases are gaining maturity, but none are close to being fully automated
- Figure 5: Changing ambitions in the telecoms industry bring automation to the fore
- Figure 6: Operators’ ambitions in Europe are more diverged than in other regions
- Figure 7: Maturity of an automation domain correlates to its level of coordination
- Figure 8: Over 40% of respondents feel they have a clear automation strategy, but only one in five are systematically tracking KPIs
- Figure 9: Regional pressures impact the key driver that operators identify for justifying automation
- Figure 10: Operators struggle more with challenges around people and skills than technology
- Figure 11: Inter-process automation between network and service domains
- Figure 12: Those with ambitions to move beyond connectivity need to ensure they have rigorous automation interfaces between different business units
- Figure 13: Operators should start with intra-process automation and plan for inter-process automation
Technologies and industry terms referenced include: AI and data analytics automation, Automation strategy, Closed loop automation, Cloud-native processes, network automation, Network Fault detection root cause, Process automation, Robotic process automation, RPA, Service automation