Lag Kills! How App Latency Wrecks Customer Experience

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Customer experience is fast becoming the new mantra for operators across the globe. But while improvements are being made in broadband speeds, customer experience and so forth, app latency and errors have largely gone ignored. This is despite the fact that both are important drivers of customer experience and of app developer profitability. Find out the relationship between latency and app errors and our analysis of those operators that are performing well and those that are ‘lagging’ behind.


Format: PDF filePages: 18 pagesCharts: 10Author: Chris Barraclough, Alexander Harrowell, Kevin KilpatrickPublication Date: November  2015

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Key objectives
  • Source data and methodology
  • The Impact of Latency on App Errors
  • First glance: a positive correlation overall, but a weak one
  • Outliers are specific countries and operators
  • Strong positive correlation between latency and app errors once outliers are excluded
  • App Errors: The Impact on Customer Experience
  • Latency and errors – both bad for the customer
  • Appendix: Country Analysis
  • France: A Clear Relationship
  • The UK: Strong Latency-Error Correlation
  • Spain: A mixed picture, but latency is still predictive of app errors
  • Italy: Wind is a super-outlier
  • Germany: Nothing but Outliers?
  • STL Partners and Telco 2.0: Change the Game
  • About Apteligent (formerly Crittercism)

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1: Latency and errors for the top 20 European MNOs over the last 12-weeks appear correlated, but there are some important outliers
  • Figure 2: 12-week average latency and app error performance by operator
  • Figure 3: After excluding the key outliers, high-latency events explain 75% of the app error rate across Europe’s top 20 operators
  • Figure 4: Expected number of errors when loading 20 web pages of Amazon
  • Figure 5: France shows both the best performers, and a very clear relationship between latency and app errors
  • Figure 6: The latency-error correlation is strongest in the UK
  • Figure 7: High variation in latency complicates the picture, but a third of app error variation is still driven by latency
  • Figure 8: Wind complicates the picture, but the trend is still there
  • Figure 9: Germany – is there any trend at all?
  • Figure 10: The source of the outliers – Germany in August

Technologies and industry terms referenced include: App Performance, Apteligent, bollox, Crittercism, customer experience, Europe, latency, operators