New satellite connectivity: Rising star or pie in the sky?

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New players, technologies and business models are raising the prospect of valuable, new satellite connectivity services. But how credible are the new opportunities and what do operators need to do?


Format: PDF filePages: 29 pagesAuthor: Olly Murphy, David MartinPublication Date: November 2023

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
    • Satellites and their uses
    • Types of non-terrestrial network
  • What is the potential of satellite connectivity?
    • Mobile backhaul
    • Remote area basic connectivity
    • Emergency backup connectivity: Disasters and conflict
    • Small-volume IoT data
  • D2D challenges: Devices, standards, regulation and spectrum
    • 3GPP Release 17 specification
    • What will release 18 have in store?
    • Securing satellite spectrum
    • Will new hardware be required for satellite to mobile?
    • Deeper integration between mobile and satellite services is beset by technical and regulatory uncertainty
  • New satellite connectivity market and business models
    • Satellite broadband
    • Satellite-to-mobile business models
  • Conclusion
  • Index

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1: New satellite business models
  • Figure 2: Different types of NTN offer contrasting latency and coverage benefits
  • Figure 3: D2D partnerships and models
  • Figure 4: AST proposed customer go-to-market strategies


Technologies and industry terms referenced include: 2G, 3GPP Release, 5G, Amazon, American Tower, android, apple, AST Mobile, AST SpaceMobile, AT&T, BlueBird, BlueWalker 3, construction, D2D, Environmental monitoring, EU, European Union, Eutelsat, FCC, GEO, Geostationary satellites, GPS, HAPS, high-altitude platform stations, HughesNet, IoT, iPhone, Iridium, IRISS, LEO, Lingxi-03, Lynk Global, Marine telematics, MediaTek, MEO, MIMO, Mining, MNO, Motorola, MVNOs, NTNs, OneWeb, open RAN, Orange, Project Kuiper, qualcomm, Rakuten Mobile, satcos, satellite broadband, satellite service providers, satellite-to-mobile services, SES, Smart agriculture, SpaceX, SSPs, Starlink, Starlink v2, StarNet, STC, Stratospheric Platforms, T-Mobile, TDMA, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Telesat LightSpeed, Telstra, US Cellular, Viasat, Vivo, Vodafone Group, wireless backhaul, xiaomi, Zain