New age, new control points?

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New control points are emerging in an era characterised by complex coordination challenges and machine learning. How can telcos and their partners help to maintain a balance of power in the Coordination Age?


Format: PDF filePages: 43 pagesCharts: 09Author: David PringlePublication Date: August 2019

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • What constitutes a control point?
    • Control points evolve and shift
    • New kinds of control points
  • The big data dividend
    • Can incumbents’ big data advantage be overcome?
    • Data has drawbacks – dangers of distraction
    • How does machine learning change the data game?
  • The power of network effects
    • The importance of the ecosystem
    • Cloud computing capacity and capabilities
    • Digital identity and digital payments
  • The value of vertical integration
    • The machine learning super cycle
    • The machine learning cycle in action – image recognition
  • Tesla’s journey towards self-driving vehicles
    • Custom-made computing architecture
    • Training the self-driving software
    • But does Tesla have a sustainable advantage?
  • Regulatory checks and balances
  • Conclusions and recommendations

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1: The key elements of an effective machine learning solution
  • Figure 2: Big data doesn’t always deliver more accurate machine learning
  • Figure 3: Assessing the effectiveness of a machine learning solution
  • Figure 4: The key elements of an all-cloud or edge-based machine learning solution
  • Figure 5: Sample images returned by Google Photos in a search for bikes
  • Figure 6: Google has tight control over much of the image recognition learning cycle
  • Figure 7: Tesla’s in-house chip to process 21X more video frames than its predecessor
  • Figure 8: Tesla’s process for correcting mistakes by its Autopilot system
  • Figure 9: Tesla’s machine learning cycle isn’t as robust as it would like

Technologies and industry terms referenced include: AI, Amazon, apple, big data, control points, EcoSystem, facebook, google, Machine Learning, regulation, Tesla