Mobile Authentication: Telcos’ Key to the Digital World?
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Mobile Authentication could be Telcos’ key asset in the digital economy, but they are in danger of losing out through insufficient action. There are good case studies and an excellent blueprint in the GSMA’s Mobile Connect initiative for how to monetise their assets and stay relevant. So why aren’t they getting on with it?
Format: PDF file
Pages: 33 pages Charts: 19 Author: Matthew Jones Publication Date: June 2015Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Introduction: The Authentication Arms Race
- Authentication: Ubiquitous, but increasingly complex
- Some MNOs are already active in authentication services
- So, what are the opportunities for MNOs in authentication?
- Key Concepts in Authentication and Identity
- Authentication, Credentials and Authorisation
- Attributes, Identity and Identifiers
- X-Party Authentication and the ‘Digital Identity Ecosystem’
- The Need for Mobile Authentication Services
- The need for more convenient & secure digital authentication
- The advantages of SIM-based, mobile authentication
- The Vision: Authentication is the First Step
- Context: MNO Authentication Services SWOT
- (Swisscom) Mobile ID: Success in ‘premium’ authentication
- GSMA Mobile Connect: Free, ubiquitous authentication?
- Looking Beyond Authentication: Monetising attributes
- STL Partners and Telco 2.0: Change the Game
Table of Figures
- Figure 1: Mutual SSL Authentication Handshake Message Flow
- Figure 2: The Internet players are providing authentication services to third-parties
- Figure 3: Map of MNO mobile authentication services, 2014 (incl. examples)
- Figure 4: Summarising key definitions in authentication and identity
- Figure 5: Google’s SMS two-factor authentication system
- Figure 6: The ‘Digital Identity Ecosystem’
- Figure 7: The Most Common Passwords of 2014
- Figure 8: Time Spent per adult user per day with internet media, USA, 2008-2015
- Figure 9: Breaking the relationship between security and convenience
- Figure 10: The Vision for MNOs in Authentication Services
- Figure 11: MNO Authentication Services SWOT
- Figure 12: Consumers are increasingly concerned about online privacy
- Figure 13: Authentication Market Growth Dynamics
- Figure 14: The (Swisscom) Mobile ID Proposition
- Figure 15: Authentication using Public Key Encryption
- Figure 16: Mobile ID’s User Experience
- Figure 17: Logical Technical Architecture for Mobile Connect
- Figure 18: Mobile Connect’s User Experience – ‘Click ok’, initiated on PC/tablet
- Figure 19: Mobile Connect Roadmap – Authentication, Identity and Attributes
Technologies and industry terms referenced include: attributes, Authentication, credential, digital certificate, Facebook Anonymous Login, Facebook Login, FIDO Alliance, Google+ Sign-in, GSMA, identity, Mobile Connect, Mobile ID, MSISDN, multi-factor authentication, OpenID Connect, Personal Data, PKI, Privacy, pseudonymous customer reference, public key encryption, relying party, seamless login, SIM applet, SIM-swap fraud, SSL, STK, Swisscom, USSD, x-party authentication