How to sell full fibre to households
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Most consumers do not need FTTH speeds and capacity, but there are other reasons why households may pay a premium for full fibre connectivity.
Format: PDF file
Pages: 37 pages Author: David Pringle Publication Date: October 2023Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Keep it simple and sell reliability
- Introduction
- The case for full fibre
- Telefónica Spain is about to switch off copper
- Deutsche Telekom sees slow and steady uptake
- Orange is forced into aggressive pricing
- BT is stretching the case for fibre
- CityFibre puts BT under pressure
- FTTH in developing countries is very different
- Fibre makes incremental progress in Indonesia
- Conclusions
- Index
Table of Figures
- Figure 1: The relative strengths of FTTH and their importance to consumers
- Figure 2: Usage of full fibre broadband varies dramatically across the developed world
- Figure 3: Number of high-speed fixed broadband lines per 100 people
- Figure 4: Annual growth of FTTB subscriptions, 2021-2022
- Figure 5: The take-up rate of fibre connectivity across Europe
- Figure 6: Performance of broadband tech in suburban scenarios (5 is the best score)
- Figure 7: Telefónica Spain has steadily moved its broadband customers to fibre
- Figure 8: Telefónica steers potential customers towards 600 Mbps broadband
- Figure 9: Only a small proportion of DT’s broadband is using FTTH
- Figure 10: DT flags the speed and green credentials of fibre in its consumer marketing
- Figure 11: Orange France is cutting capex, but needs to lift revenues
- Figure 12: Orange is steadily upgrading its broadband customers to FTTH
- Figure 13: Strong uptake of fibre has not lifted Orange’s revenue per offer
- Figure 14: Orange is pricing gigabit broadband aggressively
- Figure 15: How BT positions its different broadband propositions
- Figure 16: BT hopes to have 8.5 million full fibre customers by 2030
- Figure 17: BT’s traffic forecasts appear to be rather optimistic
- Figure 18: Vodafone UK’s broadband packages undercut those of BT
- Figure 19: Very fast connectivity has a premium in Indonesia
Technologies and industry terms referenced include: 4G, 4K, 5G, ADSL, BT, cityfibre, DSL, DT, FTTB, FTTC, FTTH, FTTN, FTTP, IndiHome, Jazztel, Movistar, Openreach, Orange, talktalk, Telefonica, Telkomsel, virgin media, Vodafone, VR