How to build an open source telco – and why?
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Building a telco based on ‘free’ open source software is theoretically highly attractive to telcos, particularly those looking to increase their control over innovation and differentiation, and/or where cost reduction is critical. This report looks at how to address the challenges, identifies practical options and choices, and how, when and why to go about open source transformation in the real world.
Format: PDF file
Pages: 33 pages Charts: 7 Author: Roberto Minerva Publication Date: July 2017Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Introduction: why open source?
- Commercial pressures and technological opportunities
- Open Source: Why Now?
- What is open source software?
- Open source: benefits and barriers
- The benefits of using open source
- Overcoming the barriers to using open source
- Choosing the right path to open source
- Selecting the right IT delivery model
- Choosing the right model for the right scenario
- Weighing the cost of open source
- Which telcos are using open source today?
- How can you build an open source telco?
- Greenfield model
- Brownfield model
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Controversial and challenging, yet often compelling
- Recommendations for different kinds of telcos
Table of Figures
- Figure 1: Illustrative open source costs versus a proprietary approach
- Figure 2: Benefits of transformation and the related obstacles
- Figure 3: The key barriers in the path of a shift to open source
- Figure 4: Shaping an initial strategy for the adoption of open source solutions
- Figure 5: A new open source component in an existing infrastructure
- Figure 6: Different kinds of telcos need to select different delivery models
- Figure 7: Illustrative estimate of Open Source costs versus a proprietary approach
Keywords: Cloud, competition, cost reduction, Differentiation, hardware, infrastructure, Innovation, open source, programming, software, telco strategy, transformation, Virtualisation