Embedding sustainability into the telco fabric: Learnings from Singtel
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To achieve their net-zero targets, telcos must be proactive in finding mechanisms to embed sustainability in their decision-making. Singtel shows how this can be done through three initiatives focused on scenario planning, carbon accounting and disclosures.
Format: PDF file
Pages: 23 pages Author: Ani Keshishyan Publication Date: January 2024Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Beyond picking the low-hanging fruit, telcos are struggling to find systematic ways to advance their sustainability goals
- There are several levers available to telcos to accelerate their progress
- Scenario planning is a proven tool that should be extended to climate resilience building
- Singtel deploys scenario planning to mitigate physical and transition climate risks
- Results are not reserved for the long-term
- Processes and incentives must be engineered to mobilise resources and align stakeholders
- Good intentions are not enough to encourage sustainable decision-making
- Singtel piloted internal carbon pricing and a green budget to assist in energy- and emissions-intensive capex decisions
- Traditional employee incentives are also essential
- Singtel is ahead of the curve when it comes to adopting rigorous reporting standards
- Singtel has been an early adopter of new sustainability standards
- How will this serve Singtel in the future?
- Conclusion
- Key takeaways for operators
- Index
Table of Figures
- Figure 1: Singtel’s three “next practice” strategies
- Figure 2: Scenario planning process for physical and transition risks
- Figure 3: An internal carbon price boosts the more energy-efficient data centre design
- Figure 4: In a purist carbon budget scenario, high emitters are taxed to subsidize green projects
- Figure 5: Key milestones in Singtel’s sustainability reporting journey
Technologies and industry terms referenced include: carbon emissions, carbon footprint, Climate Change Conference, CSPs, emissions, GOMO Donate Your Data, GSMA, IFRS, ISSB, KPIs, net-zero, next practice, Optus, Optus Eco, Optus Pause, Paris Agreement, PPAs, PUE, Scenario planning, scope 1, scope 2, scope 3, scope 3 emissions, Singapore Stock Exchange, Singtel, TCFD, World Wide Fund for Nature