Creating a healthy culture
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Strategy is shaped and constrained by company culture, and a company’s culture will negate a strategy if they are not complementary. We examine how TELUS Health has created and maintained an effective culture that has helped to deliver employee and customer engagement, and business results. How does it do it, and what should others learn?
Format: PDF file
Pages: 19 pages Charts: 03 Author: Andrew Collinson Publication Date: September 2017Table of Contents
- Executive Summary: For telcos and others wanting to change culture
- Introduction
- Three components of ‘Culture’
- Culture eats ‘why’ for breakfast
- TELUS and TELUS Health: consistent internal and external KPIs
- Background
- Why TELUS got into healthcare: a viable growth opportunity
- TELUS Health: On leadership and culture
- Culture = Purpose and process
- Culture creates a yardstick for performance
- The importance of a compelling ‘why?’
- Fair Process
- Diversity and talent
- Measuring culture and results
- Communicating, listening and reflecting is at least 50% of the job
- Recruitment, partnerships and culture
- The ‘why?’ must be genuine
- Conclusions: TELUS Health – A consistent and compelling culture
- Appendix: Prepared by TELUS Health External Communications
Table of Figures
- Figure 1: TELUS’ share price has increased steadily
- Figure 2: Why is ‘why?’ important?
- Figure 3: TELUS’ ‘Fair process’
Technologies and industry terms referenced include: centred, Culture, customer, digital health, enterprise, health, Healthcare, Innovation, Strategy, Telecoms, TELUS, transformation