Can telcos help cities combat congestion?

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How telcos can partner with disruptors and innovators, such as Uber, Bird and Lime, to carve a role for themselves in urban travel and address the myriad challenges facing cities.


Format: PDF filePages: 36 pagesCharts: 11Author: David PringlePublication Date: February 2019

Table of Contents

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Disrupting urban travel
    • Similarities with telecoms
  • Bringing about a multi-modal future
    • The Amazon of transportation?
    • Uber’s competitors
    • Takeaways – why one company won’t win
  • The rise of e-bikes and e-scooters
  • The challenges confronting micro-mobility
    • Lack of profitability
    • The maintenance and charging conundrum
    • The threats of vandalism and theft
    • Safety and public order
    • Buying rather than renting
  • How telcos are getting involved
  • Conclusions

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1: People have been flocking into cities worldwide for the past five decades
  • Figure 2: Many cities in the developing world are very crowded and cramped
  • Figure 3: The countries where the most time is lost to traffic congestion
  • Figure 4: Most of the most gridlocked cities are in the developed world
  • Figure 5: An overview of the pros and cons of different modes of urban transport
  • Figure 6: Lime and Bird are clear leaders in the US e-bike and scooter sharing markets
  • Figure 7: Both Lime and Bird have reported rapid growth in the number of rides
  • Figure 8: Lime claims using its products is far cheaper than using a private car
  • Figure 9: Challenges facing providers of shared bikes and scooters
  • Figure 10: Some Northern European countries have embraced cycling in urban areas
  • Figure 11: Sales of bikes (including electric-bikes) continue to rise

Technologies and industry terms referenced include: Bird, China Mobile, China Telecom, Consumer IoT, Lime, Lyft, M1, smart city, Travel, Uber