Building telco edge infrastructure: MEC, Private LTE and VRAN
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Edge infrastructure deployment is happening – but how big will it really be, and where will it happen? We quantify the five-year outlook for edge deployments across four key domains.
Format: PDF file
Pages: 31 pages Charts: 14 Author: Tilly Gilbert Publication Date: August 2020Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Preface
- Reality check: edge computing is not yet mature, and much is still to be decided
- Reality #1: Organisationally, operators are still divided
- Reality #2: The edge ecosystem is evolving fast
- Reality #3: Operators are trying to predict, respond to and figure out what the “new normal” will be post COVID-19
- Edge computing: key terms and definitions
- Where is “the edge”?
- What applications & use cases will run at edge sites?
- What is inside a telco edge site?
- How edge will play out: 5-year evolution
- Modelling exercise: converting hype into numbers
- Our findings: edge deployments won’t be very “edgy” in 2024
- Short-term adoption of vRAN is the driving factor
- New revenues from MEC remain a longer-term opportunity
- Short-term adoption is focused on efficient operations, but revenue opportunity has not been dismissed
- Addressing the edge opportunity: operators can be more than infrastructure providers
- Conclusions: practical recommendations for operators
Table of Figures
- Figure 1: We predict a Tier-1 operator will have more than 8,000 edge servers by 2025, supporting edge workloads across multiple domains
- Figure 2: There is uncertainty as to the impact of COVID-19 on operator’s edge computing and telco cloud initiatives
- Figure 3: There is a spectrum of edge infrastructure in which telcos may invest
- Figure 4: There are three key types of telco edge site, ranging in size, location & type
- Figure 5: Most operators see vCDN as a means of increasing network efficiency, but there are revenue opportunities too
- Figure 6: Use cases that fit in the edge sweet spot will have both local-compute like and cloud-like requirements
- Figure 7: Use cases leveraging telecoms edge infrastructure can be either internal or external facing
- Figure 8: Most edge servers, regardless of operator type, will be on the inner edge
- Figure 9: vRAN is an inner edge (fairly centralised) play
- Figure 10: vRAN will dominate edge infrastructure deployments…
- Figure 11: MEC is the primary short-term revenue-generating edge opportunity
- Figure 12: Incumbent MEC dominance driven by fibre to enterprise premises
- Figure 13: It is not clear which parties will be the primary player in edge hardware and platforms, though there is a role for operators in all scenarios
- Figure 14: There are a range of viable business models for operators with edge computing
Technologies and industry terms referenced include: 5G, edge, edge computing, edge deployment, edge infrastructure, infrastructure, MEC, Multi-access edge computing, network edge, network infrastructure, Private LTE, Private LTE networks, telco cloud, telco edge, vCDN, Virtual content delivery networks, Virtual radio access networks, vRAN