AT&T: Fast Pivot to the NFV Future

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In 2014, AT&T launched its Domain 2.0 Programme to virtualise 75% of its network functions by 2020. So how is it going, and what are the lessons for others on the complex journey to the virtualised / agile Telco 2.0 digital vision?


Format: PDF filePages: 18 pagesCharts: 06Author: David MartinPublication Date: February 2016

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Objectives, methods and strategic rationale (shown in part here)
  • Progress and key milestones
  • Analysis: proceeding on all fronts
  • Next steps: getting it done

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1: How the Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter project works
  • Figure 2: NFV means re-organising your product bundles, which is one of the main reasons it’s worth doing
  • Figure 3: AT&T’s publicly disclosed virtualized network functions (VNFs) as at October 2015
  • Figure 4: What AT&T is concentrating on versus Telefonica
  • Figure 5: Functions in line for virtualization by AT&T
  • Figure 6: How AT&T is doing versus its primary competitor, Verizon in this space

Technologies and industry terms referenced include: APIs, big data, business models, digital commerce, email, Instant messaging, localized commerce, location based services, mobile advertising, mobile commerce, mobile marketing, mobile money, mobile payments, Mobile wallets, Personal Data, smartphones, SMS, social networking, SoLoMo, Strategy, telco strategy, Telecom, Voice, VoIP