
AI: How telcos can profit from deep learning

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is improving rapidly thanks to the growing use of deep neural networks to teach computers how to interpret the real world (deep learning). These networks use vast amounts of detailed data to enable machines to learn. What are the potential benefits for telcos, and what do they need to do to make this happen?


Format: PDF filePages: 28 pagesCharts: 09Author: STL Research TeamPublication Date: January 2017

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Executive Summary
  • The enduring value of connected assets
  • Tapping telecoms networks
  • Enabling Deep Neural Networks
  • Real world data: the raw material
  • Learning from Tesla
  • The role of telcos
  • Conclusions and Recommendations

Table of Figures

  • Figure 1: How Komatsu uses data captured by its customers’ equipment
  • Figure 2: Interest in deep learning has risen rapidly in the past two years
  • Figure 3: Deep learning buzz has helped drive up Nvidia’s share price
  • Figure 4: The key players in the development of deep learning technology
  • Figure 5: Mainstream enterprises are exploring deep learning
  • Figure 6: The automotive sector is embracing Nvidia’s artificial intelligence
  • Figure 7: Google Photos learns when users correct mistakes
  • Figure 8: Tesla’s Autopilot system uses models to make decisions
  • Figure 9: Tesla is collecting very detailed data on how to drive the world’s roads

Technologies and industry terms referenced include: APIs, artificial intelligence, autonomous cars, big data, business models, Cloud Services, deep learning, deep neural networks., digital commerce, fulfilment, location based services, logistics, Machine Learning, mobile advertising, mobile commerce, mobile marketing, mobile payments, new digital economics, Personal Data, Smart Home, telco strategy