AccorHotels: From hotelier to digital marketplace
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Telcos can draw ten lessons around organisational structure, strategy and staying relevant with customers from AccorHotels’ rapid digital transformation. This is the second in our series of transformation case studies from outside the telecoms sector.
Format: PDF file
Pages: 37 pages Charts: 15 Author: Amy Cameron Publication Date: October 2017Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- AccorHotels’ transformation experience – a summary of key lessons
- The AccorHotels story in brief
- AccorHotels in STL Partners’ transformation index
- Introduction
- Why are we doing non-telco case studies?
- General outline of STL Partners’ case study transformation index
- Drawing the parallels between hotels and telecoms
- What does a hotel business look like?
- How the Internet changed the hotel industry
- Accor in context of leading global hotel chains
- A successful transformation, so far
- AccorHotels’ transformation strategy
- Part 1: Separating property and services into distinct business lines
- Part 2: From digital platform to marketplace
- Part 3: Cultural transformation
- Part 4: Invest in innovation
- Conclusion
- AccorHotels in STL Partners’ transformation index
Table of Figure
- Figure 1: OTAs cut into hotels’ share of the hospitality industry
- Figure 2: Comparison of leading global hotel chains
- Figure 3: AccorHotels revenues and profitability are ticking up
- Figure 4: Accor outperforms on growth of average revenue per room
- Figure 5: AccorHotels property investments
- Figure 6: Solid growth in profitability
- Figure 7: AccorHotels eight digital hospitality programmes
- Figure 8: Steady growth in loyalty programme subscribers
- Figure 9: Accor acquires software expertise and reach to challenge OTAs
- Figure 10: AccorHotels is gaining traction with digital services
- Figure 11: AccorHotels still has some digital distance to go
- Figure 12: AccorHotels digital services investment plan
- Figure 13: AccorHotels acquisitions fuel business innovation
- Figure 14: Digital M&A investment as a % of service revenue, 2012 – H1 2017
- Figure 15: AccorHotels scores ‘Green’ on STL Partners’ transformation index
Technologies and industry terms referenced include: Business Model, case study, Consumer data, Customer Engagement, digital, Disruption, employees, Innovation, marketplace, Platform, Strategy, Telco 2.0