STL Partners’ APAC Telecoms Strategy Series (virtual) 

Accelerating telco growth: Applying the techco vision

STL Partners is excited to host “Accelerating telco growth: Applying the techco vision,” a series of three virtual workshops for senior telecoms leaders in Asia Pacific. We will be covering the most critical challenges and opportunities in the next 3-5 years.

Session Date Time
The techco vision in telecom: How to make it real Wednesday 27th November

9:00am – 11:00am KSA (Saudi Arabia)

11:30am – 1:30pm IST (India)

2:00pm – 4:00pm SGT (Singapore)

5:00pm – 7:00pm AEDT (Sydney)

Telco B2B(2X): monetising platforms and APIs Monday 2nd December
The network as an engine for growth and value of AI Monday 9th December

Entry: RSVP only

Telecoms is facing multiple forces for change: a challenging macroeconomic context, an ever-changing landscape of competitors, suppliers, and partners, and new technologies that are being developed faster than ever before – accelerated by AI particularly in the last 12 months.

The opportunities to regenerate growth are apparent, with connectivity in The Coordination Age playing an even more significant role for consumers and businesses alike and new marketplaces emerging. The investments of the last decade will enable the ‘telecoms techco’ vision to be realised, ready to capture emerging opportunities. Telecoms operators have to now work out how to build and apply these capabilities and determine the right business models. The question is: how can telcos do this successfully?

At this event, we will be presenting the STL view on the following key topics:

  • Telecoms techco: building and applying the skills and capabilities to achieve sustainable growth across the organisation
  • Growing B2B revenues: accelerating revenues from new consumer and business services, leveraging assets in 5G and cloud coupled with innovative approaches to marketplaces
  • Network APIs: defining successful business models for monetisation
  • Investing in AI: progress to date and priorities going forward
  • Network transformation: navigating the changing vendor ecosystem and making the network an engine of growth

Choose the workshops most relevant to you, and sign up for any or all the events using the form above.

Register your interest for the events